PC-VIP Proposition
The PC-VIP Way ...
Fixed Cost? Really?
For a completely fixed cost, we make sure your computers are doing business for you, not against you. We handle your anti-virus, anti-spyware, e-mail administration, backup and firewall needs, and keep your individual and network configurations running optimally. This includes both your off-the-shelf and custom applications. We also keep your staff up-to-date on the information you need them to have.
There is one thing and one thing only that isn’t covered by our flat fee pricing. We call it “MAC”—moves, adds, and changes. Simply put, if you need us to install a new piece of software and make it work across your network, that’s a MAC. Everything else is covered. No kidding.
Personalized Care
Our method of caring for our customers’ needs is based on familiarity with your business, and creating an environment that makes you comfortable. You’ll probably love our call center, but frankly, they are there only in the event that your personal care team is unavailable. This happens very rarely.
Each PC-VIP client company is assigned a team of Trust Missionaries to care for their every need. Think of it as a buddy system, because . . . that’s pretty much what it is. Everyone knows everyone, and as much as they can about you.
As a PC-VIP client, you receive a direct phone number to your primary Trust Missionary, and if s/he is ever unavailable, you will be directed to their backup. Missionaries work in teams, so yours is back up to his backup.
Trust Missionaries are assigned to a surprisingly small number of clients, and those clients are in a small geographic area. Combined with the techniques we use to care for your technology needs, this means that the chance of you ever needing to speakwith the PC-VIP call Center is extremely small.
No Geek-Speak? Ever?
If you really, really want to engage your Trust Missionary in a discussion about the relative merits of RAID 0 versus RAID 1, you’re welcome to do so. If you want us to make sure everything just works, we do that. Of course, there are points in between. And we’ll stay away from them until you ask us to approach.
No Clip-On Ties
Yeah, Those guys in the clip-on ties, broken glasses, and white socks are funny. Once. PC-VIP isn’t trying to cover up bad service with a gimmick. If we were looking for a gimmick, we’d wear tuxedos, because we’re your partners and servants, not a joke.
We’re business people, just like you. And our business is taking care of you and your computers.
Expertise, Across The Board
We Do Computers. We Do Business. We Do People Services. And We Do Them All The Right Way. PC-VIP handles ALL your needs relative to technology. Training, Safety, Education, everything. And we know how.
COMPLETE Care of Your Resources
Sounds difficult? It can be. For us, not you. You want your computers to work, we make them work. Every Day. Better than you expect. Seriously. We do much of our work proactively, and you’ll never even know it’s going on. Now isn’t that better than having “some guy” sitting there watching your hard drive defragment . . . on your time . . . and your dime . . .
Serious Mission, Great People
You know that guy who comes in to fix your computers and then treats you like you’re too uneducated to get out of your own way? We’re better computer technicians than he is, but we don’t feel a need to keep telling you how good we are. We look the way you expect, and we act better than you’re accustomed to.
Best-In-Class Practices
There’s a lot that can go wrong in your computers. And It does. Repeatedly. We keep a close eye on things, and eliminate most problems before they get started. Viruses? Spyware? Security threats? Not on our watch. Slowing systems with “background processes” run amok? No way. Forgot your data backup? We’ve got you covered.
Best-In-Class Tools
Doing things well requires the right tools. Our Research and Development division is constantly on the lookout for better ways to take care of you. And when we find them, we license them, install them, and tell you what you need to know.
We Watch Everything
Can we say it another way? Try this: PC-VIP is Computer Care For Those With Better Things To Do TM. We do everything, so you can concentrate on business.
Discretion. Always
We know how important your data is, and we know we have unusual access to it. We know that makes you nervous, too. Fear not. PC-VIP Trust Missionaries are up-to-date on the latest techniques to keep your data safe from prying eyes, and work in a way that makes them want to do it.